’tis the season for warmer weather, and you know what that means.. Frozen treats! There is nothing better than a warm spring, or summer day with a delicious frozen treat that can be enjoyed inside, or out. We will show you a simple way to use our unique, plant based Greek yogurt to create exactly that.
This is a simple one. You are not going to need too much. Before we get into what we used, there is totally room for customization here. Remember, we have five flavours of plant based Greek yogurt: Peach, Blueberry, Raspberry, Vanilla and Plain. Which one you choose to use is totally up to you, as well as the extra fruits you include in the mix.

For our version, here is what you will need.
Nafsika’s Garden Plant Based Greek Yogurt
This might be a good time to remind you, the video version of this recipe is available here.
Here are the steps to making your very own Plant Based Yogurt Bark to share with friends and family this summer:
Grab a pan, spoon, and something you are comfortable evenly spreading the plant based Greek yogurt with.
Apply a generous amount of the plant based Greek yogurt and spread it.
Place the fruits of your choice in the yogurt.
Put the pan in the freezer until it is frozen solid.
Chop it up with a knife, call over your favourite friends, and enjoy!
As summer approaches, we will have more and more plant based snacks and meals using both our plant based Greek yogurts, and plant based cheeses! Follow along @nafsikasgarden, and subscribe to our newsletter on the site to be the first to know about new recipes.